Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lethargic Day...2...

What a wasted day....I've been so lethargic..

But I was able to finish Nob #3

Thanks Horatio.

Karitas: Yeah, it did look a bit odd, but I didn't feel like fixing it. I tried moving it, but it wouldn't budge. I won't go with the jumping, because I feel that he'll sort of look like the jump Orks. Ork #4 will be jumping....he wouldn't look right if he didn't >=-D

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ork Nob Numba Two!

Nob with Powa Klaw: "Ey, dem bloo folk is needin a good bashin"
Nob Numba Two: "WAAAGGH"

I didn't have time to do any modeling yesterday.......what did I do yesterday....Oh yeah! I hung out with my friends for 6ish hours =-D Thats why =-D

But tonight, after doing an outline for my final essay report for AP US History, I finished up Ork Nob #2!!!


iStupid. For some reason, I cut the back of his shoulder to position his arm yadda yadda....I don't know what I was thinking...So I had to Green Stuff that...

And I should sort out my "current projects" assembly line...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lethargic Day...

So I can officially class this in the Deathwing threads now. It has paint! Actually...more paint than the rest of my squad... =-(


And I have another Dark Angels Dreadnought coming my way, thanks to Ion Raptor from Rogue-Market and Bolter&Chainsword. I don't have it yet, these are a couple of the pictures he sent me earlier today. I'll take some when I get it....and that marine in the background isn't mine.. =-*( or the other dread.

My paint stripping wasn't half as successful as the last time...

I've also done more work on the buzzthing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Honoring Those...

I'd like to thank all of you who comment, because it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Especially to Horatio, who I don't know, but yet he still manages to comment regularly.

Some real life news: I talked to my sister today, and the score I got on my SAT was only a little bit lower than her highest...which she got after three tries, so I guess thats a bit better feeling =-D

We also went to a National Cemetery today, to honor those who have fallen while in service for America. I thought I'd share a couple of pictures with you. Just so you can get a taste of the sheer awe that there is.

This is us in uniform. I'm standing second from the right, with the white sash.
And we had to have one screw around picture...

And 5 Star Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. His wife Cathrine Nimitz was to the left of him, and to the left of her, 4 Star Admiral Raymond Spruance.

The 40k Life.

We got home around 2:00PMish (After waking up at 5AM earlier today), so I crashed until about 6, and then loafed around and sort of did some modeling.

I washed my dreadnought, and since the consensus is to have him walking down the base, so be it. Looks good either way, now that I brought the feet closer together. I glued on the engine, and thats it.

I started the pole for the buzz-saw thing for the Ork Nob. I originally planned on doing one solid pin down the shaft, but decided to do 2 pins. Realizing that that would mean double drilling, and double straightening, I just went all the way through. Just a bit of greenstuff and we can call it ace =-D

I also started on my True Scaling tutorial. It won't be a vid-tut, because that would take AGES, and this is going to be a longer project anywhoo. It'll be compiled into one large tutorial when I'm done constructing it. Heres a taste, sorta taste..its not too impressive... (If you haven't seen my first True Scale, check it out in some of the older posts)

I also found that for my Deathwing, if I water down the paint more, the texture goes away, and it goes on quite smooth. So I bulk watered down my entire mix, and I'm quite happy with the opaqueness of the paint still.

The Answers to Life.

Shrink to Fit: True, the walking on is something you see quite often, so here goes. The third pose was supposed to be quite normal, just standing there. Hurrah Dark Angels.

Horatio K Decameron: Even though walking on gives commanding presence, I think that having a crushed Ork under his foot would be much more awesome, which is what I plan on doing. Inferno cannon & assault drill arm were exactly what I was thinking, but the claws just looked so cool too =-D least...there isn't much to say about two people failing exams..hmm..Nob fixed =-D

Big Jim: My sentiments exactly.

Of Doom

So my problem is, I like playing with new toys =-D
So I'm working on assembly for my DA Dreadnought. I plan on gluing it all together after I paint the whole thing, but I'm working on a layout/plan so that I know what I'm doing when that time comes.

I'm working on the base, and several of the stances I've chosen are quite awkward looking, like hes either running, or falling forwards. The piece of CoD flooring is already glued, so that won't be moving.
BEFORE I POST THE REST!!! I realized that after writing half this post, if I bring the feet closer together, its not as fally-forwardish. So I'll be doing that using the walking over the tile pose.

Heres my favorite, walking over the tile, he fell down before I had the chance to take a side pic, but it looks like he's falling down anyways.

Heres the second, where hes walking off the tile..

And standing on the tile, my least favorite, but since his feet were close together, it looked the most natural.

I'm also in the process of looking for "exotic" arms for him off of Forgeworld as well. I was thinking either the Inferno Cannon and Assault Drill Arm, or two Close Combat Arms. I was thinking of buying both sets, but that'll set me back another $40ish...
Choices choices...

Sadly, I won't be able to incorporate the Dark Angel Land Raider doors on the LRE (the BIG Land Raider, check out older posts for pictures of it) because they're already glued...but I'll save them for my next (4th) Land Raider >=-D

Some Real Life news....I took the SAT back in March, and I got my scores today...and sadly, I must say that I got less that 2000 (out of 2400)....way I'm taking the subject tests in June, then retaking the SAT, and probably will retake it again...shucks.

Horatio K Decameron: After reading your post, I really wanted to replace the handle with a rod, but I realized that I had already pinned I checked it out..and it fell apart =-( So I'll be doing exactly so. I'll still give it a long handle, as its still a two handed weapon, but hes just using it with one hand at the moment.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Woah Woah We Woah!

Check it!

I've started whittling down the hands on the Ork weapons..which isn't easy, I tell you. They'll be cleaned up later on when I finish removing all the excess plastic.

And it'll all come together at some point...The guy with the gun will be one a beast, I may want to add greenstuff to his...MUSCLES! =-D And the guy with the buzz-sword-thing will be looking like he is following through with his swing.

And I knew this would overshadow the Orks, but I got some Forgeworld stuff!!!! My first FW stuff. I'M SO HAPPY! =-D
I got a Dark Angels Dreadnought
And a set of the Dark Angels Land Raider Doors.

And I think that to bulk up my posts, I'm just going to answer Comments...COMMENTS! in the next post.

About Big Jim: Thanks for replying. But, all my VMC paints have a slight texture to them. I don't think its the bottle, because the few that I have (bought at different times) are all like that. I was told that VGC is a lot finer. But I think that the reason that I think its "Grainy" is because it doesn't have enough water in it, its starting to dry while I'm still using it, so I might have to retry.

Horatio K Decameron: Thank you for the Kudos. You actually don't have to comment, but it just makes me feel good =-D Thank you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

VMC Failed Me...

I really don't like VMC paints... (Vallejo Model Color) I like the huge selection of paints, but I don't like the way that they're way grainier than Citadel Paints.


For those of you with trained eyes, can you see the difference between the body and the shoulder?

This paint (the VMC) was all applied on top of a watered down coat of Dheneb Stone. I was HIGHLY pleased with that coat...the VMC just sucked. The ratio was 3:3:2ish. Pale Sand, Dark Sand, water. I watered it down a bit more on the palette..but it still seems to have a much higher grain content or something...
My mixes (Interesting huh?)

I also just glued together my first Nob. I'm pleased. This guy will be my Nob Leader or something (not a warboss....) His pose is kinda-commanding huh?


And a public Thank You to Horatio Decameron for Commenting so much =-D

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday!

To meee!!!

In order to legally update...I have some concepts for my Nobz.


And the lot...of 4.

And I may have to recommission Matt Bond to make my Deathwing Banner..I'm not pleased at ALL!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Da Nobz

So I went hiking this weekend. It was good, quite easy, since I haven't been hiking since mid-summer last year. And when I came home, I had 10 Ork Nobz and 5 Ork Kommandoz. An early birthday present! =-D Eventually, I'll make a mob, or whatever they're called, into a group of 20ish (not codex). But I'm quite pleased with the dex...I can pretty much do whatever I want with them =-D
I'm probably going to put them in a Battlewagon..or something. (Codexially, they won't fit (not with a Warboss), but thats okay.)


I don't know what conversions I'm going to be doing quite yet...but I assembled the bodies...and the Grot.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Termies!

GOT MY PAINTS!! And the only problem that the two bottles I use to hold my mixes of bone are too small...1oz...I need at least 2..damn!
But, I'll hit REI tomorrow or something..I need a new 175g frisbee anyways (mine went into a lake last Friday)

So now..I can call the Termies, Golden Brownies...or..Golden Brownies with bases I should say =-D


And!! Courtesy of Paulsen Games...a concept...or two.
